DOCK Blaster would not be possible without the help of many people and organizations, in some cases stretching back over many years. We are also grateful for ongoing and future support - material and moral - of our colleagues and friends. Faults in DOCK Blaster are entirely the responsibility of John Irwin.
- NIGMS - for financial support via GM 71896 to BKS and JJI
- Authors of DOCK and DOCK tools
- Tack Kuntz and his group over 20+ years
- David Lorber - for his work on DOCK 3.6, flexibase, and many scripts
- Binqing Wei
- Austin Kirschner - for work on early DOCK Blaster scripts
- Michael Mysinger - for testing, DUD decoy maker, many scripts and know how
- Niu Huang for his work on DUD and scripts
- Michael Carchia for his work on optimizing DOCK 3.6
Shoichet Lab members particularly:
- former: Ruth Brenk, Kaushik Raha, Johannes Hermann, Jerome Hert, Francesco Colizzi, Eddie Cao
- current: Michael Mysinger
- intern: Teague Sterling
- Pascal Wassam - system administrator
- GNU/GPL/free software
- Peter Ertl's JME
- Alpha testers (March - Aug 2007) - you know who you are
- Beta testers (Oct 2007 - Aug 2009 ) - you know who you are
- Chimera,
Get it now! - and the support the the UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
- PyMol,
Get it now!
- Academic software: Delphi, AMSOL
- Commercial software suppliers:
- I am sure there are other people who should be thanked. If you think your name, software, or organization should be here, please write me.
A product of
BCIRC, the
Bioinfomatics and Chemical Informatics Research Center @ UCSF.
Last updated Aug 13, 2013.
Please direct correspondence as follows:
questions and discussion to blaster-fans at docking.org;
bug reports to support at docking.org;
any other correspondence to comments at docking.org.
We thank NIGMS for fiancial support GM71896 and GM59957
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